Category Archives: Uncategorized

Hello, Bert!

Inserting a picture appears to work.  This is Bert from Q100    MORE

VIDEO: Gotye featuring Kimbra – “Somebody That I Used to Know”

Indie pop artist Gotye shows his vulnerable side in the music video for the hit breakup anthem “Somebody That I Used to Know.”  A naked Gotye is pictured as he slowly begins to be covered in body paint.  He is later joined by a nude Kimbra, who also gets painted up like Gotye. The duo…MORE

Beyonce Photo Gallery

Look how how Beyonce looks!   HOW DO I INSERT THIS PHOTO GALLERY?  MORE

ALBUM REVIEW: Justin Bieber – Believe

          If you’ve been trying not to catch the Bieber fever, now might be the time to let yourself get infected.  Sure, some of us have been annoyed by the constant clamor of Justin Bieber mania since his 2009 debut, but with his coming-of-age release Believe, Bieber has grown up from his “Baby” phase showing…MORE

VIDEO: Carly Rae Jepsen – “Call Me Maybe”

Newcomer Carly Rae Jepsen has a crush on her sexy neighbor in the music video for her breakthrough hit “Call Me Maybe.”  She gets so hot for the hunky guy that she passes out while suggestively washing her car.  But there’s more to Carly's crush than meets the eye.  Find out if she gets the guy…MORE

Meet Bert

This is Bert.  He is awesome.MORE


test postMORE